The Bumble Bee’s Happy Place


Things have been a bit crazy around here and the current post needs more work so there will be a slight delay in posting. In the meantime please enjoy this video of the bumble bees loving the heck out of this plant we received as a gift from some friends when we first moved it. I have no idea what kind of plant it is, but it is a perennial, the bumble bees love it, and it has survived the stupid f*ing deer for three years now despite their best efforts to kill it each winter.


Minor Delay

Today is one of our last nice weather days for a while – we’re going in to a string of 90’s with high humidity – no thank you – which meant I was outside working on fence all day but that also means the next blog post won’t get up until late Thursday or early Friday. In the meantime – internet – what is this plant? 

The flowers are purple and bell shaped and living amongst my hostas but the leaves are a different shape than the hostas, much smaller and jagged edged. They are pretty so I don’t mind them provided they are not toxic to horses, but without knowing what they are I can’t look them up to see if they are toxic. So what are they?